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Paintings courses by Beatrice Avenel

Le Cézallier vu du Zagat

Photo du Cézallier

In french

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L'atelier de Béatrice Avenel The courses we offer are conducted in a place unknown to tourists, the "Cézallier", the center of the Regional Natural Park of Auvergne Volcanoes.

Painting and drawing are the first means by which a child expresses himself. We have often «lost» this wealth and spontaneity.

However by using certain simple technics, these early creative abilities that each of us possess can be rediscovered. These abilities can then be channelled into creating something more elaborate.

Photo des stagiaires peignant d'après nature

If you are a total beginner Béatrice AVENEL, a graduate of Martenot's school, will help you develop basic techniques you can then develop at you own pace. At the end of the course you will have acquired useful new techniques whilst rediscovering your own creativity.

Photo de l'atelier de peinture

If you already use your creativity, you may simply want to learn new methods or develop them further and thus widen your horizons.

Photo des peintures de la journée
Through the liveliness and enthusiasm of the group, the course will help you to evolve and dare to create, a gift that we all have. It can also help you to value, develop and express your own sensibility.
Le Zagat and its surroundings lend themselves to creativity where Béatrice Avenel will share her skill and experience and ... her love of painting.

Video of a painting course :

cours du printemps

Livre d'or des Ateliers du Zagat

© Les Ateliers du Zagat - Stages de peinture
Béatrice AVENEL - Le Zagat - 63420 ARDES - France